Stuff I Forget, Volume V


(January – June 2024)

128. The USAF airbase near Steve and Alma in Alvescot.
Brize Norton.

129. New Haven townie queen with curly brown shag, more of a mullet, townie queen to end all townie queens.
Gary Greco.
(This came to me because I remember Noël Canfield saying the name c. 1973.)

130. Who was that strange guy in a tunic with a pickup truck in Wisconsin who had a weird surname like hannipaw or silly paw or something paw.
Supernaw. Or Suprenaw.

131. Who was that ghastly jewish artist with the cartoony primitive style.
Marc Chagall.

132. Admiral of the ocean sea, harvard naval historian, family seat at nahant, samuel eliot something…
Samuel Eliot Morrison.

133. What was the play that robt morley was interested in doing, adapted to a Brit idiom, which made no sense at all?
A Gore Vidal one, maybe.
Yes, Visit to a Small Planet. Actually that might have worked, but the number of changes would have made it an entirely different comedy.

134. Female vector illustrator who does juvenile books but did the Eurostar posters 25 years ago.
Nicki Slater, Nicola Slater.
This took a while. I could remember Nicki, had to search fiercely till I found her surname. If only I’d linked her mentally to Nigel.

135. Actor who played jackson bentley, created biff….Arthur Kennedy?
Easy to mix him up with George Kennedy or the near-identical Kevin McCarthy or John Ireland.

136. Jew who was original Willy Loman.
Lee J. Cobb.

137. Winefest and I…what is the name of Richard E Grant film?
Withnail and I.

138. Woman who married Dick Goodwin, LBJ biographer.
Doris Kearns Goodwin.

139. Female illustrator who mostly drew girls in mob caps.
*Kate Greenaway

140. F Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel. (don’t look it up)
This Side of Paradise?

141. Writer, screenwriter I’m thinking of. Sweet Smell of Success.
Ernest Lehman?

142. WTF is the cemetery in Cambridge?
Not laurel hill.
Mount Auburn.

143. The english constitution by walter…badger, biggot, baggins?
Walter *Bagehot (badgit).

144.Javascript framework that installs in remote server and is basis for a million things. node.js

145. I brined something recently, what was it? Oh salmon. It was good, I probably had the skillet too hot.

146. Fort in Alabama with Indian massacre early 1800s…
*Ft Mims.

147. The girl who got away Frank Capra movie 1934, gable and colbert.
It Happened One Night?

148, 149.  Michael, john Murphy’s friend from Michigan and that private school the son of the Rambler guy went to.
Mitt Romney went to Cranbrook.
Michael —— and Susan Bauer.
Michael now calling himself Mika.
Cooper. Okay.

150. The old entrepreneur who took Moki and me to lunch at Travers Island in July 2019. Had a bicycle shop in Westport. Told us about the Ashtabula crank. What was his name? Family was from MS, clergymen.
I remember a Jerry I think, and look him up.
Jerry *Allmand. Must be French.

151. CK designer whose minipurse I have, whatever his initials. Drawing a blank. MK. Michael Kors.

152. Word for prescription…like bird man of alcatraz’s ….
oh specifics, Stroud’s Specifics.

153. Those tart little reddish brown onions I like so much.
*shallots…i had to look up an image chart of onions.
[Note: This is the second time this has been in the list.]

154. Ricky Vaughn’s real name. Douglass…
Mackey! Got it.

155. Head of religious studies department at yale in the 70s…think he was head of grad school too… sort of a science fictiony name like Blunt Spearski…German Hungarian maybe… Strooth Furtherman…something about a bird, a pigeon, Bix Pigeonman…

156. The Williamson guy who dives in and out of social media and posts scary clowns and once wrote for National Review and told Brendan Michael Dougherty these rural losers should get the hell out of Garbut.
Kevin Williamson.

157. Plessy v Ferguson. For a moment I could not remember the case name.

158. Mulatta obama advisor…i have to go to stuff i forget to find it…6 years ago! that makes two double forgetting, but at least i knew i’d forgotten it before.
*Valerie Jarrett.

159. Strange guy with big nose CPA n England pretends to be TS.
Miranda Yardley (took a while).

160. Also Fionne…what is last name?

(Additions 10 Aug 2024)

161. “not a cloud in the sky, and I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream” from what?*Carpenters song

162. The Reach for the Sky guy. *Kenneth More

163. What the Mo’nig Indians are really called. Shinnecock.

164. That Texas governor with the weird hair. “Po’ George, he can’t he’p hisself. He was bo’n with a silver foot in his mouth.” Ann Richards…took me a minute.